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                A SunSource?Home Energy System is the simplest way to integrate solar energy

                into your home, and it can substantially reduce your heating and cooling costs,

                which typicallymake up about half of a home’s utility bill.*


                Solar modules capture energy from the sun and send it to your Lennox solar-ready

                air conditioner or heat pump.

                Energy that’s left over is used to power electronics and small

                appliances in your home.


                “It didn’t take long to see the savings. A couple of times, the meter has been dead stopped. And we’re already in the double digits of trees saved.”

                – Bret Frost Terre Haute, IN

                Copyright 2016-2020 美国雷诺士官方代理商-四川雷拓科技有限公司,中国四川省办事处 , Inc
