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                A Whole Solution to YourIndoor Air Quality Needs

                Working with your central heating and cooling system, Healthy Climate? Solutions

                improve the air throughout your entire home, not just in individual areas.

                This makes them more effective than portable indoor air quality products.


                Industry-leading Air Purification

                The PureAir? Air Purification System uses three types of technology to battle all three types of indoor air pollution. That lets PureAir clean the air better than any single system you can buy.


                Top Rated Filtration

                The Healthy Climate? Carbon Clean 16 media air cleaner combines industry-leading MERV 16 filtration with activated, carbon-coated fibers to remove particles and germs from your home’s air.

                A Healthy Climate? ventilation system keeps your home filled with fresh, comfortable air, lowering the concentration of contaminants.

                hcs-explore-air-quality-issues-lg.jpgIdentify the Problem and the Solutionhcs-use-the-healthy-solutions-finder.png

                Our solution finder can guide you through the process of choosing an indoor air quality system.

                Copyright 2016-2020 美国雷诺士官方代理商-四川雷拓科技有限公司,中国四川省办事处 , Inc
